Make Your Marriage Work - A Blog By Larry Roach


I Am Shocked And Saddened... Too Many Marriages Are Ending In Divorce!  Don't Let Yours Be One Of Them!  You Can Save Your Marriage! 

Larry & Becky If you feel like you are in a hopeless battle to make your marriage work, maybe even thinking about divorce, I'm extremely relieved that you've found my blog because there is an answer for you and I want to tell you about it.

As I said, I am shocked and terribly saddened by what is happening to too many marriages today.  Some of our family members and personal friends have gone through this devastating experience and we have seen up close how much it hurts.

Thankfully, my own story will not shock you - my wife, Becky, and I have been happily married for almost 48 years.  I want to share something with you that will save you a tremendous amount of frustration and heartache and help you to have a wonderful marriage like we have enjoyed.

Here's what we would tell you if we could meet in person.

I wish we had the privilege of meeting with you personally. I would like to tell you what Becky and I have learned about marriage in these 48 years.  I would tell you exactly why I believe our marriage has not only lasted, but been a good one.  I'm not saying there haven't been struggles, but God has helped see us through them.  

I just wish we could sit down and talk and we could share with you from our experience.  We can't do that, but Dr. Lee Baucom's ebook, "How to Save Your Christian Marriage" has all the principles we would like to share with you.  I truly believe that it will help you to finally get a handle on how you can not only save your marriage, but actually make it become a blessing and a joy.

Save Your Christian MarriageMy name is Larry Roach.  My wife, Becky, and I have been married for almost 48 years.  We have a good marriage. I'm not coming to you pretending to be someone who almost lost his marriage and then had it miraculously saved. Still, the principles in this book are what have helped us to have such a good marriage, and they will help you not only to save your marriage, but also to make it a good and lasting and fulfilling one.  I'm sure that if Becky and I had known and followed all of the principles in this book from the beginning, our marriage would have been even better.

Here's why we recommend it.

The reason why we recommend Save Your Christian Marriage is that we know that if you follow Dr. Baucom's plan, which is based on principles from the Bible, the results will be amazing to you.  This ebook can help you to save your marriage and make it better than you would have thought possible.

You will learn:

  • THE secret to saving your marriage, starting today.
  • God’s Plan for your marriage.
  • The Top 5 Mistakes people make when a crisis arises.
  • The true secrets of healthy, stable, loving marriages.
  • How your Christian beliefs and faith can transform your relationship.
  • How to assess the stage of your crisis (there are 8).
  • How to address any stage of a crisis and turn it around.
  • What to do, what to say, and what to avoid in order to save your marriage!
  • Why Christians should and could have a “leg-up” in dealing with problems in your marriage.
  • Why “hard work” on the relationship isn’t always the answer.
  • How marriage counseling can be dangerous to your marriage’s future.
  • Why “low mood therapy” is destined for failure and how “high mood relating” makes the difference.
  • How to move beyond emotions and take action!
  • How to find the North Star of your relationship, and why it matters.
  • Why true intimacy is a lot closer than you think--and how to get there!
  • What the TIE Elements of Communication are, and how they can transform your communication.
  • How to change the momentum of a relationship, sometimes instantaneously!
  • What the Practices of Marriage are, and how they can transform your relationship.
  • Why arguing is a waste of time -- and the amazingly simple secret to get around it.
  • How to become a team, even if you feel like opposites.
  • Why power is so destructive to relationships and how to change it.
  • How to deal with problems involving sex or money -- and how to bring God into those areas.
  • How to make radical shifts (literally, quantum leaps!) in the relationship.
  • Much, much more about how to transform your relationship, with God’s plan and help.
  • In short, how to have the marriage of your dreams and prayers.
You can see why we are so high on Dr. Baucom's ebook and why we recommend it so highly.  I hope you will follow Dr. Baucom's plan in "Save Your Christian Marriage."  I know it will make a real difference in your marriage and in your whole life.
Larry & Becky Roach
Happily Married For Almost 48 Years
"We highly recommend "Save Your Christian Marriage" for any couple who wants their marriage to be the wonderful experience that it can be."
Becky & Larry Roach

Click here now and go to Dr. Baucom's website to learn more about this amazing way to deal the problems in your marriage.  Here's the link again... Do it now before you forget or get sidetracked... Save Your Christian Marriage.


Larry Roach



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